Referred to as the Weimaraner Bible, Weimaraner Ways, a 915-page book published by Virginia Alexander, is a superb book detailing every facet of the Weim's life. This book is an absolute must-have for all Weimaraner enthusiasts! The book was published within a year of the author, Virginia Alexander, passing away. It is her life's work. This new 2010 edition is the last in print by Virginia Alexander and is in limited supply.

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2010 Special Edition Hardcover Book – Color
Weimaraner Ways Book
by Virginia Alexander
About the Author

Virginia Alexander received a PhD in Pharmacology and was a professor at the University of Pittsburgh until the late 1950’s. With a background in genetics, and an interest in being a vet since a child, she became interested in breeding a versatile dog that was good with family.
She carefully selected the Weimaraner breed. She began breeding healthy dogs with good hips, smart minds, deep chests and straight legs, true to their retriever heritage. The breed became her life and her passion.
Over 50 years later, her bloodline, the Reiteralm Weimaraner has won countless awards and achieved great things, in the field, on the bench and most importantly in the hearts of their owners.